Stickman Heroes: Battle of God

Reklamalar mavjud
18 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Stickman Heroes: Battle Of Warriors is a perfect game for those who want to role-play as superheroes and fight against villains in the universe. This stickman fighting game is not only free-to-play but also easy to play. Cleverly using buttons to move, jump, teleport, block, attack and transform is all you need to do.
Many players have been attracted by this game and so will you.


A collection of cosmic superheroes to collect
💪 Complete challenges and win battles to unlock more than 50 super stickman warriors with fascinating skills.

Many intense battles to fight
Explore the world in the game with 4 playing modes:
💪 Story mode: Follow the fascinating storyline and defeat all villains to become the mightiest hero of the Universe.
💪 Versus mode: It will be so much fun if you choose your favorite stickman heroes as your opponent to fight against with.
💪 Tournament mode: 16 finest heroes will fight in pairs in the tournament. The one who wins the last final battle will become the champion of the Universe with ultimate glory.
💪 Training mode: You can practice fighting skills and try out new stickman heroes as long as you want to be fully prepared for your adventure.

Many chances to get rewards
💪 Free lucky wheel available all the time to spin and get surprising rewards
💪 Many daily quests and milestones available for you to complete and get lots of rewards
💪 Free gifts and daily deals available at any time in the store

Download Stickman Heroes: Battle Of Warriors now to catch up with millions of other players around the world in the doughtiest adventure saving the Universe. Don’t forget to share this extremely simple gameplay, top-notch graphics effect, and vivid sound with your family and friends!

Our experienced developers team will continuously update more features, stickman heroes, storylines and optimize the product so you and your friends can experience the ultimate gaming time!

If you need any support or you want to send us some game suggestions, feel free to contact us via email:
Oxirgi yangilanish
13-iyn, 2024

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Update Version 0.2.8
- Fix some minor bugs
- Optimize game performance