Marble Clash: Fun Shooter

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60,5 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Do you like cute transforming robots? And what about fun 3D action games with cool shooting? Then welcome to the Marble Clash: Crazy Fun Robot Shooter!

In this game, you'll face a challenging but fun battle! You will control a robot with a variety of guns! Your task is to collect the most coins until the round time expires. But it won't be as easy as you might think! Other players are here too, and they want to steal your coins! You can fight them off, destroy them and get their coins. Or, if the situation is not in your favour and you need to run - by pressing only one button, your robot can transform into a fast marble ball! That way, you can run away and avoid defeat. But remember - in that state, you cannot attack your opponents! To defeat the enemy in PVP, auto-aiming will helps you a lot. Dash into the crowd and become the only survivor. Be the last man standing in this battle royale shooter game!

The game consists of four rounds. Each round ends when time runs out. At the end of one round, half of the players will be eliminated. Others continue to fight in this battle royale. The final round is the most difficult one, as you need to collect the most coins to win! It will be quite a challenge! Dash into a rumble and be the only survivor! Can you handle it?

The map is divided into four regions. At the very beginning, all four of them are available to you. But with each round, one of the regions will disappear, and you will have less space for cover, manoeuvres, and a fierce fight will be fought for each coin. Therefore, we will give you friendly advice: use your tactics and strategy skills, keep moving and don't stop for a long time! Enemies can be everywhere! Study the map well so you know where you can hide from opponents and where new coins appear - and you will win! Join the PVP arena and show who’s the boss. Aim fast, shoot accurately and survive the battle royale!

For each round you pass, you will gain experience and coins. By levelling up, you will discover a new type of weapon and parts for your marble bot. As you upgrade it, you will be more powerful, stronger and faster, and the increased firepower will make you truly invincible. You can create your own unique droid by adding parts that suit your playstyle: shoot from your miniguns to stun enemies with a barrage of attacks, or use mighty rockets to deal AOE damage, or you can pick shotguns that perform really well up close. What will you choose? Choose the gun you like and join the pvp battle royale to be the only survivor! Upgrade your weapons and win the fight.

The game has a lot of cool and varied skins! We didn't want to limit you, so we made the painting of your transforming robot exclusively cosmetic, and it will not affect your stats. Now you can create your own unique and inimitable look from over 30 paint options! The choice is yours! Show your friends that you have the best sense of style. Pay attention to the skins and your fighting robot transformer will become cute and stylish!

- Beautiful graphics
- Simple and intuitive control
- Dynamic battles
- Advanced auto aim
- Battle royale matches
- Simple interface
- Nice music and cool effects
- Many weapons of different levels
- The ability to play the way you like

Dash into the rumble, crush your enemies in PVP and survive the battle royale. Choose the gun you like and upgrade your war robot. Become the best pilot and impress your friends with your shooting skills!

But more importantly, Marble Clash: Crazy Fun Shooter is completely free to play! Download it right now and join the fun battle of the tiny little transforming robots! We are waiting for you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-avg, 2024

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- Bug Fixes